Yeah, that's my "to be read pile" on my dresser. 7 of those books are from the library which means there's a time limit on them. The first phrase that comes to mind is
"What was I thinking?!" I read awesome reviews and blog posts about books, I look them up in the
online library catalogue and place a hold on them. It's so easy to do that I forget it takes time (baby-and-toddler-free time) to read them all! I even have 2 more "on hold" at my library. It's been a rough, vexing and draining week, so now that the kiddies are both out like lights, I think I'll go make a
pampering, yummy coffee treat and curl up with a good book. There's so many things to do online.... giveaways, deal posts, catching up on reading. It gets overwhelming, so I really need to take a break and unplug. It's good for you to do once in a while. Have an awesome rest of the day! (If you really want the Acme and Giant Eagle deals, head over to
Cherry Picker)
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