I originally posted this in August/2009. In keeping with my new focus on inspiring others in Titus 2, I've decided to repost the Created to be His Help Meet articles I've written and to continue on with the book. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
I've read and loved the book "Created to Be His Help Meet: Discover How God Can Make Your Marriage Glorious" by Debi Pearl and I plan on writing about and reviewing each chapter of that book here on Wednesdays. So, without further ado:
Chapter One: God's Gift
Now ladies, what's the first thing that comes into your mind when I say "You are God's gift to your husband?" Be honest. When I first read the chapter about God's gift to men, a twinge of resistance rose up in my heart. Debi Pearl says that as a woman, I was created to fill a need, to be a helper suited to the needs of a man. A part of me didn't like reading that. Furthermore, she writes "A wise woman doesn't take anything for granted. She is thankful to be loved and seeks to make herself more lovely."
Knocks the pride of feminism right down, doesn't it? But rather than consider the negative feelings this can give rise to, consider the good. I am a GIFT. God only gives perfect and wonderful gifts that are needed and I am, therefore, exactly what my husband needs. Do I choose to live as the perfect gift to my husband? Or do I treat him as if he owes me something? Read Genesis 2. Who was the gift and who was the receiver? As a mother who stays home all day with our children, it's very easy to give in to expecting my husband to come home and do certain things or behave certain ways, as if he's my helper.
I am tempted to list so many of Debi Pearl's words here, but I won't because I truly hope that you'll get it to read for yourself or you can check out their site. It really is worth it in my opinion. But for this week, I want to encourage you, wives, to be the perfect gift to your husband. As Debi puts it:
"Does your husband share Adam's feelings of delight when he looks upon you? Do you wake up each morning ready to make your husband happy and blessed, to serve him to the best of your ability-to be his helper? Are you engaged in active goodwill toward your man? That is God's perfect will for you."
"But she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband" 1 Corinthians 7:34
This isn't about what he deserves. It's about honoring your husband because God wants you to, even when it's hard. When you honor your husband, you honor God and you are a living testimony of Jesus Christ to those who are around you. The world will notice something different about you (because this principle certainly isn't popular in the world today) and as Christians, we are called to be different and to shine light. Showing the gospel of Christ to the world can be as simple as honoring our husbands the way the Bible says we should. Funny how Satan makes us think that it's so much harder than that. So many Christians like to focus on "soul winning" and such when simply living our lives in Christ's pattern and perfect will speaks louder than our words do.
Women are by no means inferior to men. Simply different. I have a different calling than my husband. My calling is to honor and serve him, making it easier for him to follow his calling. I support him, submit to his authority and look to find ways to make his job easier. This is my God-given nature. If I live out my calling, I will bring him honor among others. "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband" Proverbs 12:4. Am I seeking to bring my husband honor, or myself? In seeking not my own, but my husband's, in the end I will be honored as well: "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her" (Proverbs 31:28) and "Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates." (Proverbs 31:31) Your faithfulness, diligence and selflessness will not go overlooked by God!
Questions to ponder this week:
This isn't about what he deserves. It's about honoring your husband because God wants you to, even when it's hard. When you honor your husband, you honor God and you are a living testimony of Jesus Christ to those who are around you. The world will notice something different about you (because this principle certainly isn't popular in the world today) and as Christians, we are called to be different and to shine light. Showing the gospel of Christ to the world can be as simple as honoring our husbands the way the Bible says we should. Funny how Satan makes us think that it's so much harder than that. So many Christians like to focus on "soul winning" and such when simply living our lives in Christ's pattern and perfect will speaks louder than our words do.
Women are by no means inferior to men. Simply different. I have a different calling than my husband. My calling is to honor and serve him, making it easier for him to follow his calling. I support him, submit to his authority and look to find ways to make his job easier. This is my God-given nature. If I live out my calling, I will bring him honor among others. "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband" Proverbs 12:4. Am I seeking to bring my husband honor, or myself? In seeking not my own, but my husband's, in the end I will be honored as well: "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her" (Proverbs 31:28) and "Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her own works praise her in the gates." (Proverbs 31:31) Your faithfulness, diligence and selflessness will not go overlooked by God!
Questions to ponder this week:
- Am I seeking my own honor and recognition, or my husband's?
- Do I treat my husband as if he's my helper?
- Am I what my husband would consider the perfect gift?
- How can I better help my husband in everyday life? What practical things would my husband be pleased to see me do? (Packing his lunch each morning, making sure his work clothes are clean in time, etc.)
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