I know how to knit (and crochet).

Does that surprise you? Actually, I got a book about knitting socks and did one. Yes, one. It was so awful I stopped at one. :) I thought about ripping it out to start a new one when I got sidetracked by a new hobby... card making.

Then a few days ago I found an old project of mine... a shirt for Thad that was never finished. Are you getting a picture of me now? I LOVE crafty stuff, so much so, that I can't finish a project before I get excited about another and take off after that. I have a lot of half finished stuff, which I know is a bad character trait. But, alas, it is so. I know I need to pick one or two things and really concentrate on getting good at them, before moving on, but my attention span seems to be short with crafty stuff.
We were finger painting her new craft drawers. :)
On that note, my new rule is that "
Janeen isn't allowed inside Hobby Lobby." Ask me why I created this rule. :)
Anyway, how about you? Do you love crafts? Love starting stuff so much you tend to leave when you started unfinished? Share with us!
I do this too! So many projects half done, and now I really need to get going on them because some are for Christmas gifts! :)
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