I recently received a box of CoverMate food covers to use and review from CoverMate through MamaBuzz. I was very excited about this product and it definitely didn't let me down!
I really hate riffling through my storage containers to find the right size for the leftovers from dinner. I hate trying to find the lid that fits. That's why my husband usually tackles this part of cleanup. The new solution: just pop a CoverMate food cover over the plate and skip all the hassle! It's ready to go right into the refrigerator!

This is also perfect for when my daughter won't finish her dinner and I save it for when she asks for a snack... :) They're microwavable, so it makes it easy to reheat her food without it splattering and making yet another mess for me to clean. Their shape allows them to easily fit round or square containers. You can even check out a video about them here.
These little things are super easy to wash, especially if you're a zip-lock baggie saver. I just wash mine by hand in soapy water, but they're even dishwasher safe. The manufacturer suggested turning it inside out and putting it on a clean plate and into the dishwasher. Voila! Clean and dry!
Interested in getting some for yourself? I thought so. If you hop on over to their site, you can get a free sample pack, you just pay $3.95 for shipping and handling. For some reason, their site is having a security certificate issue. I clicked through and it was fine, but it's up to you if you want to click through or not.
Want to get a pack for free and make me pay for the shipping? I now I would! Well, because I love my readers, I will do just such thing. I have one sample package of 4 medium, 4 large, 2 extra large and one small can CoverMates Stretch-to-Fit Food Covers to mail to one lucky winner! To enter the giveaway you can do any of the following, leaving a separate comment for each:
- Leave me a comment telling what you think of saving my kid's food and making her eat it later when she asks for a snack. LoL. That's what my mom used to do. Guess we often do a lot of what our parents' did!
- Leave me an encouraging comment. Sometimes I just need to hear something nice. :) Make sure it's true though, I wouldn't want anyone to lie!
- Become a follower or tell me if you already do (left side of the blog)!
- Become a subscriber or tell me if you already do (left side)!
- Follow me on twitter or tell me if you already do!
- Become a fan of the Christian Frugal Mama Facebook page or let me know if you already are!
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link.
I tried the saving the food thing with my oldest but he was so stubborn I eventually had to give in. I think it's a great idea if you have the will to follow through(which I don't).
I follow with GFC
I follow you on twitter as edmontonjb
My encouraging comment is that everyday is a fresh start. No matter what happened today, you get to start all over tomorrow.
I think saving the food is a great idea...kids gotta learn! That's what I've started doing with my daughter. PS. I've got a linky on my blog for giveaways if you want to link up!
I think saving food is a great idea. I really, really hate to waste food. I think about those who don't have as much and it inspires me to waste less.
I love your wednesday wifehood posts - thanks!
I think saving food is a good idea-it limits waste and maybe she'll eat it later!
Thanks for being such a positive presence on the internet!
I think saving the food is a great idea--You obviously survived, so I'm sure your daughter will ,too :)
I think it is a great idea to save the food for later. My kids would have love to trade in their good for you food for a not so healthy snack if they had the opportunity.
I think it's fine to save food for later, but I wouldn't get too pushy about it if it was something she just didn't like (we all have our preferences).
I did this with my kids and it works
jonilynntaylor at gmail dot com
hang in there. I am a mother of 6 ages 14-6 and I promise it's gets better other than teenage boys who will eat you out of house and home. lol.
jonilynntaylor at gmail dot com
A Mom has got to do what a Mom has got to do!
I think the saving food leftovers as a snack is a great idea! It instills healthy eating, saves money, and decreases the "addiction" to sugary snacks!
danunepthys (At) hotmail (dot)com
Following on Twitter - @chrisec
danunepthys (at) hotmail (dot) com
Haha I think it's a great idea! I'm glad that she cooperates!
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Laura M
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i think saving her food for a snack is a great idea
I think it's a great idea to save the food in case she is hungry later. Or if it's dinner, to save it for lunch the next day.
Thanks for the review and giveaway! These would be great for leftovers.
I subscribe via email
jackievillano at gmail dot com
I am a follower...and I forgot to mention, I love the Pooh plate!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
I think it's a great idea - I used to do that when the boys were young
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Saving the food is a good idea...but it might be hard to follow through!
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
new blog follower via GFC
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
Remember to enjoy all the times when they are little, because they row up so fast!
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
You gave me a new idea of saving food. I was always worried at the amount of food she wastes. Now I can try out your method to see how it works.
I don' see anything wrong with saving your children's food and giving it to them later. My parents did it all the time and I turned out just fine. =) Thanks!!
migdaliamart at gmail dot com
google follower. Thanks!!
migdaliamart at gmail dot com
Encouraging comment: I'm new to your blog but I'm really liking it. Great job!
migdaliamart at gmail dot com
My something encouraging: You have a gorgeous banner and background. Your children are stunning and I love your color scheme!
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
I always save my sons food for later. He NEVER finishes his plate even though he tells me over, and over.. and over that he is SOOO HUNGGRRYY! lol
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
I am a fan of your Facebook page!
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter - @michrick8185
rmglaughlin at gmail dot com
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