Did you notice the amazing free coupon for McDonald's in your newspaper this past Sunday? Because my husband works in a nursing home that has recycling bins he managed to round up 11 of these wonderful little treats.
Last night, my husband and I took our 2 girls to a nearby McDonald's and enjoyed two free smoothies while our girls played inside the Play-Place. True, it wasn't a kid's free date night, but it was still great to sit and talk while the girls played and we didn't have to worry about them wandering off! Plus, sis I mention it was totally free? :) I think reconnecting on a regular basis is a great way to love my husband.
To help you on your journey of loving your husband, I'm offering to giveaway 2 of these awesome date coupons (just in case you didn't get a chance to nab your own)! Wondering why I'm making it a goal of this blog to encourage you to love your husband? Check out my post over here and I hope you'll join me!
To enter the giveaway you can do any of the following, leaving a separate comment for each:
- Leave me a comment telling me how you actively work on loving your husband (if you're not married, tell me how you plan on enjoying these!)
- Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link.
- Become a follower/feed reader or tell me if you already do (left side of the blog)!
- Become a subscriber or tell me if you already do (left side)!
- Follow me on twitter or tell me if you already do!
- Become a fan of the Christian Frugal Mama Facebook page or let me know if you already are!
We try to spend time together, just the two of us, on a regular basis.
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Great idea for a "free" date! My husband and I love these! I strive to always put my husband first and make time for him even with 4 little ones! Keeping time alone with him for even just a coffee date is important for our family. We need alone time and make sure to take it! One way we've found that's easy and "cheap" is to order take out and have a dinner date after kids' bedtime!
We try to go on date nights on Tuesday night (the movies). Thanks!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
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jackievillano at gmail dot com
Hubby and I "date" at least once every 2 weeks. Now that our children are older we've had an opportunity to talk about some of our plans once our kids are fully grown. It's imprtant for us to connect and remind oourselves of our commitment to each other. Sometimes it's hard with distractionsd and the familiarity that 17 years can breed and we really need our "committment time."
I try to make our home a haven of rest for him when he comes home from work
LKARambo at comcast dot net
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kathy Cheeseman Rambousek
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Thanks for the chance to win!
moosepoop70 at aol dot com
My husband and I always do everything together. Our girls are gone and we just like being together . I love him more now than the day I married him. 29 years and counting. I know a little mushy just for a McDonalds slushie huh? but it's true. Also I get your newsletter follow you on face book and just joined your blog.
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paige.schnee @ my.sf.coloradotech.edu
My husband and I love each other by doing little things around the house to help each other out. Sometimes he'll fold a basket of laundry for me or I'll pack his lunch for work the next day. So blessed to have him in my life! :)
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We stay up late on the couch after the kids are in bed. I also give him massages occasionally.
We have been making a concentrated effort to have a weekly date night, even if it has to occur at home after the kids are in bed. Date nights out are awesome though, especially free ones. :)
My husband and I have started through the budget saving course by Dave Ramsey, it has really drawn us closer together.
i "liked" you on facebook :)
I am also a subscriber by email joyce-ellenholmes@hotmail.com
We plan monthly date nights which include our bowling league!
Following you on twitter! Thanks!
I tell my husband how much I appreciate him everyday!
I follow you on twitter @thecaptncoupon
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